Friday, December 5, 2014

K2 Deployment - Custom SQL service broker

When using SQL Service broker is used with Stored Procedures you need to make sure the service instance user has the view definition permission on DB so that Stored procedures and views are loaded with proper Schema.

If not then following thing will happen.

your Stored Procedure parameters will always show as Required ( even if you have provided default value.)


K2 Client Set Up - Error connecting to K2 Server

When installing K2 Client using set up in Windows machine after you have removed existing K2 client installation, if the Type of installation page is not showing during set up , do the following.

1. Go to Registry - start-> run-> regedit
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - look for source code. if there is registry entry already there. Please remove and restart your machine. the Set up will ask for Type of installation page now.