The trick of all this is that K2 won't actually refresh its identity cache until it needs that identity again. Setting the ExpiresOn, etc. fields as mentioned above is only half the equation. The other half is to tell K2 you need that identity object which actually triggers the refresh.
You can force the identity cache to expire for a particular role by running the following SQL query on your K2 database:
You can force the identity cache to expire for a particular role by running the following SQL query on your K2 database:
update [Identity].[Identity] set ExpireOn = '2013-01-01', MembersExpireOn = '2013-01-01', ContainersExpireOn = '2013-01-01' where FQN = 'role_name';where role_name is the name of the role you wish to refresh. To actually trigger the role refresh, execute the Get Role Users method in the UMUser SmartObject on the role you wish to refresh.